Articles tagged "strength"

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 71

Other Common Style Variations in the Early Phases of Pulling

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 69

A Fast Versus a Slow Pull From the Floor

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 68

Different Methods of Executing the First Phase of the Pull

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 65

An Uncommon Foot Position for the Pull: The Frog-Leg Style

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 57

The Proper Position for Receiving the Bar in the Split Jerk

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 53

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 51

Guidelines for the Clean

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 50

Balance in and Recovery from the Squat Snatch

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 49

Guidelines for the Snatch

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 48

An Alternative Means for Lowering the Body: The Split Style