Articles tagged "olympic lifting"

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 69

A Fast Versus a Slow Pull From the Floor

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 68

Different Methods of Executing the First Phase of the Pull

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 49

Guidelines for the Snatch

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 43

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 32

The Fifth Phase of the Jerk: The Unsupported Squat Under

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 30

Olympic Weightlifting Encyclopedia 28

An Analysis of the Six Phases of the Jerk

Olympic weightlifting encyclopedia 23

Olympic weightlifting encyclopedia 22

The Second Phase of the Pull: Preliminary Acceleration

Olympic weightlifting encyclopedia 21

An Explanation of the Six Phases of the Snatch and Clean "Pull"

Olympic weightlifting Encyclopedia 18

Oversimplification Versus Unnecessary Complexity