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Moody's: "Mexican Unifin's debt restructuring is negative for other fincos."

Mexican leasing firm Unifin's debt restructuring is credit negative and could reflect tight refinancing conditions for Mexican financial institutions, Moody's rating agency said on Friday.

Burma: the ruling army has extended the state of emergency in force since the coup in February 2021 for another six months

This was reported by the official media.

Kosovo, tensions at the border with Serbia over the ban on Belgrade documents and licence plates

Measures postponed by one month

Il Congresso USA sostiene l'invio di missili a lungo raggio all'Ucraina

Ma la Casa Bianca e il Pentagono frenano.

Linux Mint 21 released

The Linux Mint team have announced a new version of its distribution, Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa" (based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS).

Iraq: parlamento occupato per la seconda volta in pochi giorni

In azione i sostenitori del religioso sciita Muqtada al Sadr.