pixtolero pixtolero@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog
Linux et autre geekeries

semibot@greenlifeplus.net @semibot@greenlifeplus.net

Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@sinblr.com

Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@humblr.social

Since most Mastodon Instances' Relays are not fully set up or not attended at all, having fediversing accounts do help all of us to fediverse easier and faster than waiting for relays to work.
We are just importing CSV files as established by Mastodon itself, to follow only most active accounts, making Mastodon Fediverse grow.

0sim0 @0sim0@fediverse.blog

Utilisateur de Logiciels Libres, j'adore le #Cinéma, la #Bande_Dessinée. Cela va du Fantastique au Documentaire. Tout ce qui travaille l'imaginaire !

KazukyAkayashi @KazukyAkayashi@catlife.drycat.fr

Didier Link @didierl@blog.famille-link.fr

Un blog fédéré écris en Rust, c'est un beau projet, j'adhère !!

Eric van der Vlist @evlist@plume.dyomedea.com

l4p1n 🇨🇭 @l4p1n@miaou.drycat.fr

Web #programming / #Python and a bit of #sysadmin for fun
Rabbit-werewolf according to @Lapineige :3
Speaks French and English. Toots mainly in French

FXGhost @FXGhost@plume.ombreport.info

Miraty @miraty@social.antopie.org

Préfère le G de GNU plutôt que celui de Google
AdminSys YunoHost 😁
:minecraft: :factorio: :robocraft:

John @John@fediverse.blog

Federation Bot @federationbot@mastodon.host

Hello, I am mastodon.host official semi bot.

Follow me if you want to have some updates on the view of the fediverse from here ( I only post unlisted ).

I also randomly boost one of my followers toot every hour !

If you don't feel confortable with me following you, tell me: unfollow and I'll do it :)

If you want me to follow you, just tell me follow !

If you want automatic follow for new users on your instance and you are an instance admin, contact me !

Other commands are private :)