Dr. Quadragon ❌
Sysadmin, Unix punk, Technolojesus, and Free Software freak
Pronoun: he/his
Bit of an SJW. Militant atheist and battle skeptic. Devil's advocate.
If you are a Nazi, we can't be friends.
Admin of
Доброхотъ. Социальный граф с поместьем.
Босс этой качалки.
Главврач этой больнички.
BTC: 1txVcuqQ5UNzN6at7HbxNieH6rv6iQUhP
Mark Gardner
I help #Perl #software #developers build modern, disciplined applications by writing easy-to-maintain #code with confidence. #Objectivist. Was personally corrected about Cunningham’s Law.
Matthias Pfefferle
A full stack developer and blogger, advocate of the #openweb and citizen of the #indieweb and the #fediverse. Working on #activitypub for #wordpress: . Follow me @pfefferle