FDB_hiroshima FDB_hiroshima@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog
One of the Plume developers.

XXXSinners @houseofxxx@sinblr.com

Warning - 18+ Content is NOT my property.
Visit me on Twitter - link in pinned post.
Please #Follow and #Share - #Porn #NSFW #Erotic #XXX #Erotica #Gorgeous #Babes #HOT

Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@sinblr.com

Augusto Herrmann @herrmann@ecodigital.social

I ♥ open data, open source, natural language processing, data science.

Fediversing until Relays work @fediversing@humblr.social

Since most Mastodon Instances' Relays are not fully set up or not attended at all, having fediversing accounts do help all of us to fediverse easier and faster than waiting for relays to work.
We are just importing CSV files as established by Mastodon itself, to follow only most active accounts, making Mastodon Fediverse grow.

switching.social @switchingsocial@mastodon.at

Easy-to-use privacy-conscious apps and sites for non-technical people:


#Privacy #Alternatives #DeleteFacebook

Cedric Girard @cedric@write.valinor.fr

Ana @Elza@soc.punktrash.club

Je fais des test pour Plume surtout (bon en vrai Pleroma c'est kool donc je crois que je vais m'installer)

Pas la peine de demander à follow si on s'est jamais parlé avant, déso

atomkarinca @atomkarinca@pleroma.site

norm @norm@words.fedi.farm

Some dude. I don't know what I expect to blog about yet. But catch me on Mastodon at @norm@fedi.farm.

acebes @acebes@fediverse.blog

fluffy @fluffy@fediverse.blog

idlesong @idlesong@fediverse.blog