Commute Report Y2019 W14+15

Yet another stop to commute season

I spoke too soon evidently! The winter isn't yet finished: i was able to ride just the first 2 days of the last week, or better, the latest 2 days of "spring" before the winter comeback. Yes, we had another decrease of temp, near 0°C, and right after a lot of (needed) rain. At least i don't have to water my garden! :-) Even the 2 torrents near me regained some water (it's almost 3 months, since some days right after the snow that they are dry). We expect some more days of cold, maybe the second part of the next week will be warmer? I hope so.

About the only 2 rides of this report, well, not much to say about that. Both days the performances were in-line with the expectations (not too fast, not too slow), and i was happy that the 2nd day i hadn't the usual leg fatigue that sometimes happens to me.

A-1 A-1
38m47s 37m57s
A-1 A-1
44m19s 44m38s

See you next week, for next report!