Learn the Truth about Your Web Design Company by Its Portfolio

When you begin building your online business and look for a web design company that will execute all your needs for the website, you must comprehend that it is a really severe action. You are delegating your business with its track record and future.

That’s why it’s extremely essential to make the best option. Several elements need to specify your choice, and one of them is a portfolio of previous web design works the company has done. It can tell you more than all words and pledges; be attentive and attempt to analyze. I will inform you what you need to focus on:

1. Presence of portfolio

Yes, it appears apparent that a web design company need to have a website with a portfolio of previous works But do not be amazed too much when you see one without it. There can be different reasons for this, however I wouldn’t advise you to tempt fate. A portfolio is like a “face,” and it’s the pride of a web design company. It needs to be full, considerable, and consistently upgraded.

2. Total number of works.

This can tell you a lot; however, no basic number will guarantee you will handle a web design master. Yes, 50 successfully ended up tasks are much better than 5, however their quality is also important. Compare the number with the time the company runs in the market and determine the average number of tasks annually, month, or week. Keep in mind that the average website design takes 2-4 weeks to complete.

What can this details this give you? First of all, you can see that the company has got sufficient know-how. Then this reveals that it has a stable flow of work, an adjusted schedule for the development process, and sufficient personnel to perform it. Finally, as soon as you dedicate your website design to the company, you can be sure that the work will not be for them like a bolt from the blue or well-paid but not practical overloading.

3. Type of work

Look attentively at each work in the portfolio. How many tasks are similar to the ones you require by the type of site, innovation, market, and feel and look? At least 2-3? Excellent! More than 5? Exceptional!! None? There could be a reason for this - the owner didn’t want to publish it, or the website is no longer live - so if all other work shows professionalism and know-how, you need to ask the company if they have ever done the task you need.

If you need any specific technology for your website execution, it’s more than essential to see examples of how the website design company dealt with it. If the innovation is not commonly utilized and very popular, the web design business hasn’t had the possibility to work with it for industrial purposes. Still, it might be utilized for internal project development, so you will lose absolutely nothing if you ask the business to show you some examples if they exist.

Expect you need a website for an exact business, such as a dating or property site. Because case, it’s likewise better to see such previous works in the portfolio because there can be particular features, and it’s better to ensure that the website design business is experienced with them. Some web design business make demonstration plans that likewise can show you your abilities and experience.

4. Quality of work

Learn carefully about each live site (or the ones similar to the website you need). How long does it take to fill the website home page? A few seconds? Great, the web designer understands how to optimize images. A couple of minutes? It’s typical if this is a Flash site because generally the whole site is filled at one time, not just the home page, or it’s a Flash intro that goes into the website and can fill longer because of the film and noise.

But you should be watchful if an easy HTML website loads for more than 2-3 minutes and you can’t see all the images or they are shown partly. Inspect other HTML websites from the portfolio - if they are also filling for ages, it’s much better to search for another web designer business since this one is not professional.

All of the aforementioned is appropriate only if your internet connection’s bandwidth is typical and you normally do not have issues loading sites.

Test the website for easy to use navigation, take note of color combination, and quote basic impressions from the site - all of this should reflect professional work. Sometimes, a web design company is forced to design a site strictly according to the consumer’s desires, so if the consumer does not have excellent taste, the site also looks unsavory. There can be a couple of such sites in the portfolio, but not all!

5. Delighted owners

The website design business is highly competitive, and as in any business, there are truthful and unethical gamers. Sometimes it takes place that you see the very same website in the portfolio of 2 various website design business, and it isn’t easy to find the reality to which work belongs. Some eccentric companies put cheap design templates in their portfolio with fake owners’ contact information.

That’s why it’s extremely essential to understand the real references of real owners of the websites the web design business has made. Ideally, this information should be accessible on the web design company site under Portfolio, Testimonials, or Clients sections. Try to contact ALL of the individuals listed there and compare their viewpoints. You might be familiar with some interesting truths.

6. Own the website of a website design company

And finally, compare the own website of the web design company to websites presented in its portfolio. Are they comparable in quality, the innovation utilized, and total feeling? If the works from the portfolio look much poorer than the own site, this can indicate that they ordered the site from another web design business. Yes, it sometimes occurs in the web design business that a start-up amateur company dedicates its website design to “older” professionals. You much better continue looking for another web design company in such a case.

So these 6 guidelines can assist you to make the right decision. Don’t hesitate to spend a long time searching and examining. Finally, you will only benefit by getting an ideal website that will provide new prospects and make your business more effective.