VOX - Listen honey there aint no bitchness like ho bitchness

Originally posted to monkeybox.vox.com

It’s Tuesday and I’m already wanting to go back on perminant holiday (with pay of course) as it was nice to live my life for once instead of living to the next weekend (which I’m in the process of doing today).  But alas we all ho ourselves for dough and I’m stuck here for another 13 billion hours, you see loving internet, I get here at 8am and I usually leave here at around 5:30/6, this I find rather destroys my “work-life balance” because I’ve got an hours worth of driving between here and home, so I technically leave at 7 and get back at 7 which isn’t very fun.

But obviously we’re not too concerned with that as you want to read about my ho business, well you can’t because I made it up to lure you in to my trap, NOW LESBIAN VEGAN EAT THE FLESH OF THE HUMAN!  What do you mean you can’t?  Jesus christ woman JUST DO IT!



See, she’s eating your flesh now, ph34r my lesbian vegan!