LJ Post 345762

345762 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Today I can see my patience running thin, very thin.

This morning I had some bitch riding my bumper as if my car was towing her, I was greatly unamused as she was doing this whilst we were on back roads, which have bends you can’t see past and people walking dogs, horses, children and other car dammaging creatures. She almost got the point when I had to slam my car into 2nd gear because if left for another few seconds she would have hit me once the clutch went down (the car needs to be at 20mph or less to take 2nd gear well, anything higher and the engine will have little of it).

Then in a 40mph zone, whilst I was going 40mph she decided to attempt to overtake, I won’t even go into the details of how stupid going 60mph down this road is.

Then I get into this fucking hell hole that is “work” to arrive to a message saying “You MUST call [Fucktard’s name]” which is just plain rude (the person who sent this is really starting to get on my tits so even little things are provoking a “fuck off and die” reaction) so I ring cuntball, he’s not there I ring his mobile it’s off and whilst I’m leaving a message, in his trademark style he has to blurt out “If I was you I’d tell him what it’s about” well good for you, too bad I have A VAGUE DESCRIPTION OF WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE. So I’m not prepaired to make myself look like an idiot, which I do everyday when pushed with shit I know nothing at all about and that I wasn’t hired to have anything to do with it.

I really, now must leave this place but I’m financially unable to do so, untill of course next July/August when my #1 money sucker is paid off, or if I find employment at an alternate location for roughly the same amount I’m making now.

But I do see a shouting match coming on today and if it occurs it’s going to be vicious.

Oh yes and I also dropped a number of plates on the floor yesterday, breaking them and having one make a lovely cut on my toe, which promptly spewed blood all over my two toes and anything that I stepped on. Of course I received no help from a certain somebody, not even a “would you like a plaster for that” which could have helpped and avoided my more than dangerious use of “fixing shit, the ghetto way” methods (if you wish to ask, ask, but I’ll probably end up giving you my less-than-perfect life story).

Now I’m just rambling, probably because I haven’t felt the urge to rip somebody’s eyes out.

update: nevermind, he’s acting like an arrogant asshole again.
