Articles tagged "media"

Kto rządzi rynkiem tygodników w Polsce w 2023 roku?

Lider jest tylko jeden

List of news, media organizations, outlets on the Fediverse

(As far as I know) as of October 9, 2023:

Koniec Prasy W Polsce? Setki Milionów Zł Mówią Co Innego

Media co chwilę donoszą o zamykających się tytułach publikacji. Czy na rynku prasowym jest tak duży kryzys, że zaraz cała branża zniknie?

Optimising The Internet Pipes

[The Internet] is a series of tubes. And if you don't understand, those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material.

Transparency with the media?

We need to ensure we continue to get it as citizens

'Taliban' Faction Among the Tories Plan to Destroy BBC for Political Motives?

Did Tories dredge up 26 year old story for excuse to destroy the BBC? Totalitarian governments always move to shut down media/news outlets they can't control or dictate to.

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