Articles tagged "Google"

Fxxk Gmail

Originally posted to The Logarion Archive

Apple & Google Block Tory Government's Covid-19 App Update over Privacy Breaches

Having the Tory government's Track-and-Trace app blocked by Google & Apple is not unlike Satan telling a mass murder that, "That was well over the top. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Хештеги у моєму використанні

# Світ не без добрих хештегів # My Belowed One Hashtags #

F-Droid y la aplicación de rastreo Google y Apple

Programa # 39 del Podcast de Post Apocalipsis Nau


Die zentralisierung des Internets

Clouds over the Internet

The subtle men (companies) in the middle attacks

DeGOOGLE your Firefox

Breaking more chains with the "do no evil" tech giant

« Pourquoi j’ai quitté Google »

Ross Lajeunesse était directeur des relations internationales (Traduction)

Перехід на перехід, або я вже тут, у федіверсе

Маленька історія про великі пригоди

Free Linux based OS for mobile phones

Brief review of made for mobile operating systems based on Linux kernel, or GNU+Linux system

"Don't Be Evil"

The Ethics of Amazon

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

intelectual effort and essay written by Shoshana Zuboff