Articles tagged "Books"

Book review: Aestus, by S. Z. Attwell

Felt like writing a bit of a longer piece covering my thoughts about Aestus Book 1: The City and Book 2: The Colony, by S. Z. Attwell. This is basically all spoilers.

Escritos fantasma - David Mitchell

GHOSTWRITTEN, David Mitchell 1999

By ghoseNovember 25, 2020Libros

El portal de los obeliscos - N.K. Jemisin

The Broken Earth series, vol.2

reseña dunha web con libros de literatura francesa traducidos ao galego

La quinta estación - N.K. Jemisin

primeira novela da historia The Broken Earth

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

intelectual effort and essay written by Shoshana Zuboff

Soy Pilgrim - Terry Hayes

"Soy Pilgrim y he venido a salvaros".

Las brujas - Roald Dahl

The witches - Roald Dahl

By ghoseSeptember 22, 2018Libros

De qué hablo cuando hablo de correr

Haruki Murakami

By ghoseSeptember 10, 2018Libros